Chimacum Eggs

Our Flock

Our flock consists of a mix of heritage breeds, including Buff Orpington, Black Australorp, Plymouth Rock, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Dominiques, Rhode Island Red, Light Brown Leghorn as well as crosses of White Leghorn and Rhode Island Reds. 


Our flocks roam freely during the day and roost at night in mobile chicken coops, which we move daily around our 60 acres of managed pasture. We provide our chickens with free-choice oyster shells and a regionally-sources, all-organic supplemental feed, free of corn and soy, and balanced with vitamins and minerals specifically for egg-laying hens.


Our coops also feature roll-out nest boxes which we open during the daytime for hens to lay eggs. Once the hen leaves the nest box, the egg gently rolls into a protected compartment where they stay safe and clean until egg collection time.  In the evening, we close the nest boxes to keep hens from sleeping in them. Collected eggs are almost completely spotless and greatly reduce the cleaning time during packaging. In fact, eggs arrive so clean from the field, we don't need to wash them. Without washing, the outer-most protective layer of the egg, called the cuticle, is retained, which prolongs the shelf-life of the egg.